November 15, 2023

Diversity and Inclusion: Talent Acquisition Strategies with AI and Programmatic Ads

Prioritizing diversity within your organization allows employees of all ages, races, genders, abilities, sexual orientations, and native languages to succeed in the workplace. It makes everyone on the team feel valued and infuses unique ideas, skills, and points of view into your business. 

Nurturing this dynamic environment begins with the talent acquisition process. According to a recent survey, 83 percent of job seekers rate diversity as an essential factor in their decision to accept a new role. But just because 81 percent of recruiters do have a diverse hiring strategy in place, that doesn’t mean it’s working. 

Fortunately, a seamless combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and programmatic advertising (PA) can help you reach a diverse talent pool, craft inclusive hiring policies, and tailor job postings to help meet your goals. So here’s how to leverage AI and PA to foster this at all touchpoints in your talent acquisition funnel:

Targeted Job Advertisements

Programmatic advertising is an effective strategy to help job postings become more visible and accessible to a large talent pool. This automated technology collects real-time data from the online behaviors of your target audience, then inserts job postings on the career websites, social media channels, and other online platforms they frequent. When more eyes see your posting, the more interest you’ll generate from diverse applicants. 

Of course, visibility is just part of this equation—the content must also resonate with a variety of demographics. AI software can optimize the message, visuals, format, call-to-action, and other elements of your job posting to ensure it’s inclusive and free of biases. AI can even integrate accessibility features into your advertisement, such as a translator function for non-native English speakers or audio tracks for those who are vision impaired.

Applications and Accessibility

According to the Journal of Business and Psychology, an estimated 35 percent of the U.S. workforce has a disability. As recruiters, minor adjustments on our end can remove barriers to entry for these individuals and make it easier to submit a job application. AI software can customize your application format— and the channels for submitting it—to create a more user-friendly process that caters to different physical abilities, mental health needs, or linguistic proficiencies.

Unbiased Screening

Automated screening tools can also evaluate resumés and applications, using objective criteria (technical skills, interpersonal traits, and relevant qualifications or experience) to eliminate any human bias that can creep in with manual selection. However, this does require an effort to train the AI in a way that it doesn’t replicate or repeat the mistakes that humans make. In this case, it’s best to work with a consultant who can evaluate the AI criteria.

Skill-Based Interview Methods

By 2024, four in ten surveyed organizations plan to utilize AI interviewing in their recruitment and talent acquisition strategies. When hiring the newest team member, it’s essential to choose someone who will thrive in the workplace culture, share company goals and values, collaborate with the other employees, and acclimate to the job requirements. AI interviewing will help you locate the ideal talent pool by measuring for attributes like communication, leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving in an easily accessible, impartial, and objective format.  

Data-Backed Decision Making

In addition to recruiting diverse new hires, you can also use AI software to analyze the makeup of your current team and evaluate what needs to change for more inclusion across the board. AI-driven metrics will reveal any unconscious bias in job descriptions, role requirements, expectations, organizational dynamics, or talent acquisition strategies contributing to a lack of diversity. Based on those insights, you’ll know where you need to improve.   

Finally, AI tools can help nurture a more welcoming culture for diverse employees. You can offer continuous diversity training resources for the whole team in a convenient, automated format. These efforts encourage respect and sensitivity for backgrounds or experiences that differ from one’s own. 

Prioritize Diversity and Inclusion in Talent Acquisition 

Your approach to talent acquisition is pivotal in fostering equity and inclusion at all organizational tiers. Embracing diversity encourages innovation across the global landscape, and if you want to turn this mission into a tangible reality, contact the specialists at 10x Digital. We’ll help you create an inclusive recruitment strategy to catch the attention of top-level job seekers.