June 27, 2023

4 Ways Content Can Level Up Your Recruitment Strategy

Thanks to the internet, there are unlimited candidates right at your fingertips. But you know better than anyone else that a long list of candidates doesn’t always result in an accepted offer. The real challenge lies not in finding someone—but in finding the perfect match. So, what exactly can you do with your recruiting marketing that will get the attention (and applications) you’re looking for? 

There’s no single answer to this question, but you’ll be leagues ahead when you develop and execute creative content marketing. Curious to learn more? Our experts outlined four ways your content can take recruiting efforts to the next level:

1. From Company Culture to Compelling Content

Hundreds (or even thousands) of companies may offer similar wages and benefits to your organization. But one thing’s for sure: your company culture is yours to own. In many cases, it’s the differentiating factor when benefits are similar.

So, think to yourself: what is the heartbeat of our organization? And how can we translate this culture into content that tells candidates about who we are?

Things like videos, social media posts, and behind-the-scenes podcasts offer a transparent, multi-dimensional glimpse into the culture you have to offer. And here’s an essential: this material is especially effective if the content is employee-created. Think of it as the difference between watching a commercial about a restaurant versus hearing your friend tell you that they enjoyed their experience.

2. Provide Value and Offer Professional Advice

Blog content can be an excellent resource for recruiting. A talent team can create blog posts with helpful information about their industry to attract candidates interested in the same area. Some recruiters even build sharing these resources into their interviewing process. For example, if a candidate needs to complete a portfolio review, a recruiter could share a blog post, “5 Ways to Make Your Portfolio Stand Out.” Not only does this help the candidate, but it also shows your company cares about their success (even before being hired).

At the end of the day, you can take so many different angles with your blog posts. And they generally require less time and fewer resources than podcasts or videos (although both can be great options, too). In your blogs, you can:

  • Offer industry advice;
  • Share behind-the-scenes information about your company;
  • Tell compelling stories about your team and;
  • Allow applicants to get to know your leadership team.

3. Humanize Yourself through Social Media 

By leveraging popular social media channels such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, recruiters can reach a vast audience and target individuals with specific skills and backgrounds. They can post engaging job advertisements to grab the attention of potential candidates, showcasing the company’s unique culture and benefits. Moreover, recruiters can join industry-related groups and participate in relevant discussions, creating a network of potential candidates. 

Social media can also offer a behind-the-scenes look at your company, connecting real faces and names to your business. With that content available to the public, candidates have more than bullet points, facts, and numbers to consider in deciding which company to work for. They see visuals, videos, and content about who you are—and why they should work for you.

4. Build Your Online Presence

When searching through job listings, candidates are far more likely to notice an open position for a company they’re familiar with over one they’ve never seen. For this reason, among many others, ensure your website is always up to date and your SEO practices are locked in. No matter how candidates find you (and no matter which channels they are on), your company’s online presence is a critical player in the recruiting process.

One of the best ways to get your name out there is by producing quality content and sharing it via social media, your company website, paid advertisement, and other channels. Elevating your presence online will improve your public perception, grow your brand, and catch the eye of talented candidates the next time they’re in the market for a new job. 

Finding Top Talent Through Content Marketing

As we said, there’s no perfect way to find the perfect candidate. But there are plenty of ways to set yourself up for success early on. Building consistent, strong, and compelling content lays the groundwork to find qualified candidates. If you want to learn more about how we help our clients hire the right candidates, reach out to our team at 10x Digital today.