June 6, 2023

Recruitment 101: Marketing Tips for HR Professionals

An organization is only as successful as the talent it hires. As an HR manager, you know this firsthand—and that’s why you’re on the hunt for recruitment marketing ideas that help you find qualified, valuable employees. In fact, according to a recent survey from Gartner, recruitment is one of the leading priorities for HR leaders in 2023. 

But how do you connect with high-quality applicants? What strategies will motivate them to send in a resumé? Let’s dive into recruitment marketing ideas to attract exceptional new hires:

Why Recruitment Marketing Is Important

The post-COVID business climate is a candidate’s labor market. The average job seeker has become increasingly selective as more employees advocate for higher compensation, healthier team cultures and flexible conditions. But with 10.5 million vacant positions in the U.S., employees can afford to weigh their options, an article in Harvard Business Review points out. 

That’s why recruitment marketing is vital for HR professionals. Candidates will expect more from your organization—they want to resonate with your leadership, culture, mission, goals, values and reputation. A recent Hubspot survey noted that most job seekers would likely apply for a role if the business actively manages its brand. Moreover, nearly 70 percent of respondents want to work for an organization with a positive brand image.

Effective HR Recruitment Marketing Ideas

With intentional recruitment marketing, you’ll reach more talented applicants by building a compelling, noticeable and interactive online presence. Our experts recommend tapping into these recruitment marketing ideas to start:

1. Launch Programmatic Advertisements

In this digital-first business economy, it’s easy to advertise your job opening on recruiting websites. But at the height of COVID-19, the median cost for a job posting rose by almost 45 percent. Fortunately, there’s a cost-efficient solution: programmatic advertisements.

This tech uses machine learning to automate the placement of job listings and target relevant applicants—no matter where they are online. To save money and optimize ROI, you can set budget caps on these advertisements rather than adhering to a recruitment site’s fixed prices.  

2. Invest in Quality Content Marketing

Content marketing isn’t just for customer acquisition and retention—it’s also an excellent tool for recruiting new hires. Producing helpful, informative, high-quality content helps establish your organization as a credible, reputable brand. The content doesn’t have to specifically relate to a job opening either—it can focus on industry news or trends, resumé, interview tips or anything else that would interest your applicants. A wide range of content makes connecting with job seekers through different channels and formats much easier. Here are just a few ways to utilize content in recruitment marketing:

  • Blogs and articles
  • Infographics
  • Slideshare
  • Email campaigns
  • Social media posts
  • Videos or webinars
  • Podcast episodes
  • E-books or white papers
  • Employee testimonials
  • Interactive polls

3. Implement Effective SEO Strategies

According to a report from LinkedIn, nearly 60 percent of job seekers will visit a company’s website after seeing an available position online. Candidates often research employers before investing the time and effort to apply, so your website must make a good first impression. If the site is not user-friendly and searchable, chances are, you’ll lose the interest of those qualified candidates. For this reason, you cannot afford to overlook SEO. Optimizing your website’s content and technical aspects with SEO best practices will help you rank higher in search results, boosting traffic and conversions.

4. Be Transparent About Your Values

Amid so much economic turmoil, political unrest, environmental changes and social justice activism, employees are more committed than ever to working for companies that align with their values.

This insight is especially true for Gen Z candidates, who are about 20 percent more likely to prioritize diverse, equitable, and inclusive (DEI) team cultures. Candidates want to see and know what you stand for. So, be sure to communicate your core values in your external content. This effort can include having materials ready to talk about your company’s:

  • Mission statement
  • DEI programs
  • Philanthropic initiatives
  • Sustainable practices
  • Customer relations
  • Employee well-being
  • Behind-the-scenes culture
  • Community investment
  • Workplace benefits

Find Your Next Ideal Candidate

In today’s job market that favors the candidate, these recruitment marketing ideas will help you succeed in the hiring process. But if you could still use a boost, 10X Digital has you covered. Let’s work together to create and leverage personalized recruitment marketing ideas to put your job listing in front of the skilled professionals you’re looking for.